Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Feeling a Bit... Hammered?

Busy, busy, busy. That's the only phrase that can adequately describe my life the past few days... Okay, since last Wednesday, so to rephrase: the past week. Between the annual migration of the picnic tables, stripping the jungle of life, mulching flower beds, and the pope actually doing something useful with his time for a change, it seems that the shark world has been blessed with a savior...

Of course, all things being equal, this means undersea creatures need no longer look for Nemo, and we need no longer laugh at their antics...

From the article:

Female sharks can fertilize their own eggs and give birth without any sperm from a male shark, according to a new study into the asexual reproduction of a hammerhead in a Nebraska zoo.

The joint Northern Ireland-U.S. research, being published Wednesday in the Royal Society journal Biology Letters, analyzed the DNA of a shark born in 2001 in the Henry Doorly Zoo — in a tank with three potential mothers, none of whom had contact with a male hammerhead for at least three years.

Analysis of the baby shark's DNA found no trace of any contribution from a male partner. Shark experts said this was the first confirmed case in a shark of parthenogenesis, which derived from the Greek means "virgin birth."
And there you have it. The fulfillment of the prophecy that the gospel should reach every creature...

I'm assuming the apostles, disciples, and other fellow sky-godian followers dropped the ball so badly on reaching these under-gospelized undersea creatures that sky god decided Jesus needed to come again--this time, as sharkbait. Needless to say, I'm surprised that the fundies aren't flocking to the Nebraska aquarium to greet their savior, but instead have decided to live a lie of comfort in Kentucky...

Will this bring about an embrace by fundies of the environmentalist movement now that their lord and savior is "swimming with the fishes"? Doubtful.... Although, if he is swimming with the fishes, one must assume he never rose to begin with...

"The findings were really surprising because as far as anyone knew, all sharks reproduced only sexually by a male and female mating, requiring the embryo to get DNA from both parents for full development, just like in mammals," said marine biologist Paulo Prodahl, of Queen's University of Belfast, Northern Ireland, co-author of the report.
I wonder if these lowly, single mothers realize how devastating this is to the nuclear shark family... This young hammerhead will learn it's okay to have sex with yourself, it's okay to reproduce without a dad around... The moral implications for Princess Ariel's undersea kingdom are staggering... At least the crab had the decency to stay in the shell (hello, underwater closet anyone?), but now this?

The audacity of sky god's creations... Next thing you know, none of the undersea creatures will worship sky god!! It's just plain unnatural!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello jason! i was wondering if you heard about this shark. i personally think that if a shark can do this why couldn't mary of done this? how many other sharks did this in the wild and no one was the wiser? and if God thought enough of letting the sharks do this virgin thing i am sure He could of made it happen in mary. i am not surprised at anything anymore. like i always say no one has showed me pictures of anything way back when life started so we might all be surprised how it all started. well, i guess i will go back at it. what wonderful weather right now but we could use some rain. the ferns you gave us from your jungle i think are all happy. i watered and talked with them a bit this morning and tonight i will do it again. have a great day. love and prayrs