Ya know Ja, for not believing in your "sky god", you sure do bring him up alot in your blogs. What did Shakespere say in that famouse Hamlet play??? "The lady doth protest too much, methinks" ... of course, you're not a lady, but you get the picture... Have a good one! I love ya! Sylvia
hello jason, first off, i want to thank you for helping make this computer work a bit better. it seems to be going better. i still think sometimes i was better off when i didn't have this thing. well, anyway, before i go i have to say i feel i agree with sylvia's comment. you are getting as bad as some of the preachers on that cnn report that we both don't like. your comic strip is bashing us believers and our God and i know if someone started to write comic strips about bashing your life style you would all let us know about it on your blog and it would not be pretty. you do reap what you sow and you don't have to be a believer to reap and sow. you have alot of talent and i understand some of your feeling on things but always bashing and always trying to prove your right gets old and if you are right than it will show itself in due time. i have a lot of fun with you and i don't want to take away your freedoms but i am just saying that you can get more flies with honey than with vinegar. we have a lot of people out there that need help not a bashing. well, hope you didn't mind my thoughts here to much and i know you will do what you want but love you and always will. thanks again for the great day i had with you yesterday and thanks for taking care of my favorite type of child, my dog. :) it was also good to see rich and my granddog. :) love and prayers
Kel: Lunch soon, YEAH!!! And maybe I do have too much time on my hands, but really, it didn't take hardly any time at all, so...
Syl: I've discussed many times why, as an American citizen, and the product of a tyon of religious baggage, I have a vested interest in speaking about the various logical and rational state of the world and how it relates to a view 90% of Americans hold in life... Ergo, the quote is a misuse of what's happening around here, but as always, you're welcome to believe whatever you wish, that I have an altar to Jesus in my hall closet and go to church on Sundays and tell no one while praying every day for god to bless my non-kosher hot dog at lunch every day...
But I don't think even you think I do that.... Do you? :D Hey--what are you guys doing for Thanksgiving?
Mom: Your welcome on the computer bit...
You really feel as if this comic bashes your personal beliefs? And there are penty of comics and such out there that "bash" the gays, but this isn't bashing, this is comic satire--not the best, mind you, but there it is. I can only hope I get better with time... :D Call me cheesey...
I hope to reap a world in which people think aboutthings a bit more instead of getting offended right off the bat... I hope to reap a world in which people stop misquoting real scientists, stop quoting bogus science, actually think about what they are professing to believe, and be able to defend it in a rational, logical way...
But, I think if you read tyhe comic again, Mom, you'll see this isn't bashing your brand of Christianity... And if you do feel offended, I'd like to ask: Why? What is it that gets your goat?
Love and hugs to you all.... Whether you believe me or not... :D
Listen Ja, it doesn't matter, and I wasn't trying to offend you. I was just stating the obvious. I have a certain belief on what I think is going on here, and you have your beliefs as to what you think is going on. It's a matter of "how one sees things", I suppose. But, I know that when I am in front of God one day, I don't want to say that I didn't try to defend His name. And I realize that I'm not one to talk. I've made plenty of mistakes and even did some really stupid stuff... I ain't perfect. But, lately, I don't know. I am starting to see the world around me with wider eyes. I'm trying to look at the bigger picture. None of what I have on this earth matters when I'm lying on my deathbed. What matters is what happens to those that I love??? And let me tell you, big brother...I LOVE YOU! SO MUCH...I can't even begin to say how much I love you. We have a special bond, that I believe is special to you as well. You were there for me at some of my worst (and I mean my absolute WORST) times. You have supported me and carried me through some rough times. So, listen, I'm just saying that I want to be with you forever...Not just here on earth, but after we die... Heck, maybe we can come back as one of mom's "ghosts" and so come hauntings...LOL...J/K.... Well, there ... I've said everything that was on my mind. I'll talk to ya later... And Thanksgiving...we're staying home this year...John's on call for the duration of this year because his partner quit. So, travelling as a family will be tough on us this year. Love ya! Sylvia
hello jason, maybe some of this stuff we should discuss in person since for me it is hard to get into words all my thoughts but here goes. i think i understand what you are trying to do and i don't feel you are bashing me personally but you are bashing someone and with your so called belief stuff you write it out well (even if i think half of it goes over my head) and you get the point across even if you have people that don't agree with it all. maybe i am trying to say comic things are not you but you seem to think that already. i just think there is a line that comics seem to cross when it is just not funny but again it is a matter of choice. what one person finds funny another one won't. i feel you have some great things to say and can help without the comic strips that border on bashing. i do feel you bash others just because they don't agree with you. but if you bash and than they bash no one is talking you all are bashing. you won't ever get anywhere. thats why you probably won't ever find me at a rally in washington since its just not me. maybe in nutshell i am telling you to stick to your day job. :) i will read it again and try to see the humor. can't promise you i will be laughing. love and prayers
hello jason, maybe some of this stuff we should discuss in person since for me it is hard to get into words all my thoughts but here goes. i think i understand what you are trying to do and i don't feel you are bashing me personally but you are bashing someone and with your so called belief stuff you write it out well (even if i think half of it goes over my head) and you get the point across even if you have people that don't agree with it all. maybe i am trying to say comic things are not you but you seem to think that already. i just think there is a line that comics seem to cross when it is just not funny but again it is a matter of choice. what one person finds funny another one won't. i feel you have some great things to say and can help without the comic strips that border on bashing. i do feel you bash others just because they don't agree with you. but if you bash and than they bash no one is talking you all are bashing. you won't ever get anywhere. thats why you probably won't ever find me at a rally in washington since its just not me. maybe in nutshell i am telling you to stick to your day job. :) i will read it again and try to see the humor. can't promise you i will be laughing. love and prayers
You have too much time on your hands, but I'm glad. Those are so amusing!
What's going on with lunch this week? Let me know!
Kia's car must still be ACTIN' THE FOOL! And, no, I will never get sick of repeating that.
Ya know Ja, for not believing in your "sky god", you sure do bring him up alot in your blogs. What did Shakespere say in that famouse Hamlet play???
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks" ... of course, you're not a lady, but you get the picture...
Have a good one!
I love ya!
hello jason, first off, i want to thank you for helping make this computer work a bit better. it seems to be going better. i still think sometimes i was better off when i didn't have this thing. well, anyway, before i go i have to say i feel i agree with sylvia's comment. you are getting as bad as some of the preachers on that cnn report that we both don't like. your comic strip is bashing us believers and our God and i know if someone started to write comic strips about bashing your life style you would all let us know about it on your blog and it would not be pretty. you do reap what you sow and you don't have to be a believer to reap and sow. you have alot of talent and i understand some of your feeling on things but always bashing and always trying to prove your right gets old and if you are right than it will show itself in due time. i have a lot of fun with you and i don't want to take away your freedoms but i am just saying that you can get more flies with honey than with vinegar. we have a lot of people out there that need help not a bashing. well, hope you didn't mind my thoughts here to much and i know you will do what you want but love you and always will. thanks again for the great day i had with you yesterday and thanks for taking care of my favorite type of child, my dog. :) it was also good to see rich and my granddog. :) love and prayers
Kel: Lunch soon, YEAH!!! And maybe I do have too much time on my hands, but really, it didn't take hardly any time at all, so...
Syl: I've discussed many times why, as an American citizen, and the product of a tyon of religious baggage, I have a vested interest in speaking about the various logical and rational state of the world and how it relates to a view 90% of Americans hold in life... Ergo, the quote is a misuse of what's happening around here, but as always, you're welcome to believe whatever you wish, that I have an altar to Jesus in my hall closet and go to church on Sundays and tell no one while praying every day for god to bless my non-kosher hot dog at lunch every day...
But I don't think even you think I do that.... Do you? :D Hey--what are you guys doing for Thanksgiving?
Mom: Your welcome on the computer bit...
You really feel as if this comic bashes your personal beliefs? And there are penty of comics and such out there that "bash" the gays, but this isn't bashing, this is comic satire--not the best, mind you, but there it is. I can only hope I get better with time... :D Call me cheesey...
I hope to reap a world in which people think aboutthings a bit more instead of getting offended right off the bat... I hope to reap a world in which people stop misquoting real scientists, stop quoting bogus science, actually think about what they are professing to believe, and be able to defend it in a rational, logical way...
But, I think if you read tyhe comic again, Mom, you'll see this isn't bashing your brand of Christianity... And if you do feel offended, I'd like to ask: Why? What is it that gets your goat?
Love and hugs to you all.... Whether you believe me or not... :D
Listen Ja, it doesn't matter, and I wasn't trying to offend you. I was just stating the obvious. I have a certain belief on what I think is going on here, and you have your beliefs as to what you think is going on. It's a matter of "how one sees things", I suppose.
But, I know that when I am in front of God one day, I don't want to say that I didn't try to defend His name. And I realize that I'm not one to talk. I've made plenty of mistakes and even did some really stupid stuff... I ain't perfect. But, lately, I don't know. I am starting to see the world around me with wider eyes. I'm trying to look at the bigger picture. None of what I have on this earth matters when I'm lying on my deathbed. What matters is what happens to those that I love???
And let me tell you, big brother...I LOVE YOU! SO MUCH...I can't even begin to say how much I love you. We have a special bond, that I believe is special to you as well. You were there for me at some of my worst (and I mean my absolute WORST) times. You have supported me and carried me through some rough times. So, listen, I'm just saying that I want to be with you forever...Not just here on earth, but after we die...
Heck, maybe we can come back as one of mom's "ghosts" and so come hauntings...LOL...J/K....
Well, there ... I've said everything that was on my mind.
I'll talk to ya later...
And Thanksgiving...we're staying home this year...John's on call for the duration of this year because his partner quit. So, travelling as a family will be tough on us this year.
Love ya!
hello jason, maybe some of this stuff we should discuss in person since for me it is hard to get into words all my thoughts but here goes. i think i understand what you are trying to do and i don't feel you are bashing me personally but you are bashing someone and with your so called belief stuff you write it out well (even if i think half of it goes over my head) and you get the point across even if you have people that don't agree with it all. maybe i am trying to say comic things are not you but you seem to think that already. i just think there is a line that comics seem to cross when it is just not funny but again it is a matter of choice. what one person finds funny another one won't. i feel you have some great things to say and can help without the comic strips that border on bashing. i do feel you bash others just because they don't agree with you. but if you bash and than they bash no one is talking you all are bashing. you won't ever get anywhere. thats why you probably won't ever find me at a rally in washington since its just not me. maybe in nutshell i am telling you to stick to your day job. :) i will read it again and try to see the humor. can't promise you i will be laughing. love and prayers
You seem to have a very loving sister and mother. Don't close you heart out completely to their beliefs. You never know .....
hello jason, maybe some of this stuff we should discuss in person since for me it is hard to get into words all my thoughts but here goes. i think i understand what you are trying to do and i don't feel you are bashing me personally but you are bashing someone and with your so called belief stuff you write it out well (even if i think half of it goes over my head) and you get the point across even if you have people that don't agree with it all. maybe i am trying to say comic things are not you but you seem to think that already. i just think there is a line that comics seem to cross when it is just not funny but again it is a matter of choice. what one person finds funny another one won't. i feel you have some great things to say and can help without the comic strips that border on bashing. i do feel you bash others just because they don't agree with you. but if you bash and than they bash no one is talking you all are bashing. you won't ever get anywhere. thats why you probably won't ever find me at a rally in washington since its just not me. maybe in nutshell i am telling you to stick to your day job. :) i will read it again and try to see the humor. can't promise you i will be laughing. love and prayers
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