Thursday, July 12, 2007

... Because the _____ Tells Me So...

Isn't it a strange world? Remember when the Catholics, Jews, Baptists, and Protestants--and various other YHWH-centric religions and cults--found a common interest in hating the gays, limiting women's reproductive rights, telling the poor it's their fault, yadda yadda yadda?

Through the 80s and 90s, these religions had big ol' picnic fests, communal fellowship, all while tacitly ignoring all the doctrinal issues they had with each other for the common good of dictating what moral policy should be, how best to change politics for the "Christian good," and generally saying all "Christians" were good and decent while those "sinners" (i.e., gays, women, Buddhists...) just needed Jesus, and all would be well...

I'm wondering what has changed? This may have something to do with the whole rise of Islam's extremist wings and the sudden danger that not knowing a whole lot about a particular religious group... It may have something to do with Bush's highly implausible form of "compassionate conservatism," which has shown itself to be neither--perhaps this has made the vastly diverse group of right-wing extremists distrustful of someone who doesn't endorse their chosen brand of Jesus... who knows? I'm encouraged by the disintegration of a unified right-wing...

But now some other things are happening to further push apart the YHWH-orgy this country has been stuck in for quite some time.

Suddenly there's a Mormon running for president, and no right-wingers want to back him. Mormons are a "cult" (never minding that they are all just cults with differing amounts of popularity), and even though ol' Mitty stands (sometimes) for all the "good" things in life, suddenly doctrinal issues have come to the forefront...

Additionally, the Pope has decided that other Christians aren't really Christians because they can't... Let's see how did the dunce-cap wearing leader of the ignorant put it? Oh, yes. He said in a recent statement that "Christ 'established here on earth' only one church." It further stated that the other communities "cannot be called 'churches' in the proper sense" because they do not have apostolic succession - the ability to trace their bishops back to Christ’s original apostles.

Well, slap me silly and call me Lucifer! You mean now part of the whole ever-changing gospel message is having a soul-family-tree? No wonder you all can't do a pot-luck anymore! I mean, YHWH forbid you have ham and cheese with green bean casserole with a--Gasp!--non-confessional-using individual!!

Of course, Baptists and Protestants are scoffing at the notion because they can quote various scriptures (as if regurgitating verses was in some way pertinent to philosophically asinine opinions) saying they are the "true" church as opposed to those saint-worshipping, Mary-loving, statue-rubbing, rosary-clinging Catholics.

At least they can all still bond over coffee and a communion wafer over hatred for gays, Muslims, and abortion, right? They will all swear up and down how they know the TRUTH, and they will cry "Hallelujah" and vow to die for their god, but they're nothing like those dastardly Muslims, right? Or those evil "unnatural" gays... Or those baby-killing wanna-be lesbian abortion clinic workers, right?


The right wing is falling apart... Maybe even religion as a whole! Of course, people have always been fighting each other over this deity or that... A bunch of wing-nuts are even saying the "end times" are upon us, and before most of us have even had a chance to win a game of Bingo... Kind of sad... You'd think Jesus would want every little old church-going lady with blue hair to know the joy of winning once, wouldn't you? Perhaps he's too busy bird-watching... "Eye on the sparrow" and all that rot...

But here's just a few of the religious fights going on around the world right now:

We all know Dobson doesn't want Jesus thinking he'd vote for Mormon. The Pope is picking a fight with the Baptists and Protestants, calling them "not the true church," all the while not placing enough faith in Jesus to stop a bullet (which is why he drives around in that bubble--it's not for sun-protection...) Muslims and Jews are fighting over some crumbling ruins in Jerusalem under the guise of "chosen land," but that's only when the Muslims aren't busy killing each other in other parts of the Middle East, or fighting the Christians in Africa for other reasons entirely (such as whole-wheat communion wafers that Ishmael wouldn't give the time of day...) The Buddhists are fighting the Tamil Tigers in various parts of the far east (and not for the pretty fur), the Hindus are fighting for their rights in Wales which is so not a bunch of bull shit. The Christians are trying to get the Hindus to fight with them against the encroaching Muslims in India, while the Hindus in Trinidad are fighting against Christian discrimination...

And why are they all fighting? Let's see... What's the common denominator? Oh, that's right... They have their handy Pocket Deity they can whip out whenever they feel some sort of cosmic injustice is being done here on earth...

Granted, there are many people who are "religious" who do marvelous and wonderful things... But if you ask any of them why they do marvelous and wonderful things, I think most of these people won't say "Because ______ (insert deity) told me to in the Holy Book of ______ (insert holy book)." No, they'll say, "Because it's the right thing to do."

Let's repeat that: "Because it's the right thing to do."

Which is why they aren't blowing themselves up, or trying to tell others how to live, or trying to get their brand of religion more physical territory on this planet...

I'm sorry, but if you need a book to tell you "the right thing to do," please spare us all and remove yourself from the gene pool now. If you can't find enough neurons to rub together to know when harming someone else--physically, emotionally, mentally, or otherwise--is a bad thing for all of humanity in general, at least have enough common decency to die alone, and stop killing others for your deity...


Anonymous said...

For some one who does not believe in "God" why do you spend so much time reading about those who do? Then picking on them for such.You have your beliefs why not just be positive about that. Just adding my "two cents" .

Jason Hughes said...

I could make the same argument that those who believe in "god," which spend so much time reading about those who don't instead of focusing on the "positives" they perceive in their own lives...

Religion plays a very huge part in my life--through my family, almost all of whom are worshippers, my town which sends out way too many evangelists door to door to count, to my country, where religion is not only trying to influence government into a bigoted theocracy, but with other religions that are trying to ruin our country through other means (i.e., bombs, planes, and such...) For me to ignore those types of people, and their insane beliefs, would be like trying to put my fingers in my ears, squeezing my eyes shut and shouting "La! La! La!" at the top of my lungs...

And while it may seem this blog spends a great deal of time "picking on" the poor "victims" such as Christians and other various religious types, most of my time spend OFF this blog is spent with family, friends, my husband, with my dog, in the garden, and (unfortunately) at work... And while I occasionally might share some of that online, these aren't the things I feel need to be made aware to the blog-reading public... The fact that I was planting gladiolas and hostas out front has no effect on anyone's life but my own, Rich's, and maybe my dog's and neighbors life...

When religion is trying to say that singing at a baseball game is somehow a "danger" to children? That does have a greater impact than just my immedate world, and therefore I will show their idiocy for what it is, and then go back to enjoying my life...

I hope that clears up any confusion you might have as to why I blog about what I do...

Anonymous said...

I am not meaning to pick on anything you post at all so please don't take offense . I just was curious as to why you put alot of time researching and posting on things you don't believe in. I understand it is hard to ignore. Also I understand I really don't have any buisness in the first place to even ask. So if i offended I did not mean too. Just thought I would ask the question instead of wonder.

Jason Hughes said...

No offense was taken--I was trying to come across as matter-of-fast... Seems the Internet doesn't really convey tone all that well, though, does it?

And to further clarify, it's not so much my unbelief in god that I'm concerned with and post about, but about his supposed followers, which, as you stated true, are hard to ignore...

Deacon Barry said...

Surely it would be a Poke-ball they'd whip out. They could then throw it at the opposition, shouting, " ________ (insert Pokedeity's name) I choose you!

Jason Hughes said...

I could make the same argument that those who believe in "god," which spend so much time reading about those who don't instead of focusing on the "positives" they perceive in their own lives...

Religion plays a very huge part in my life--through my family, almost all of whom are worshippers, my town which sends out way too many evangelists door to door to count, to my country, where religion is not only trying to influence government into a bigoted theocracy, but with other religions that are trying to ruin our country through other means (i.e., bombs, planes, and such...) For me to ignore those types of people, and their insane beliefs, would be like trying to put my fingers in my ears, squeezing my eyes shut and shouting "La! La! La!" at the top of my lungs...

And while it may seem this blog spends a great deal of time "picking on" the poor "victims" such as Christians and other various religious types, most of my time spend OFF this blog is spent with family, friends, my husband, with my dog, in the garden, and (unfortunately) at work... And while I occasionally might share some of that online, these aren't the things I feel need to be made aware to the blog-reading public... The fact that I was planting gladiolas and hostas out front has no effect on anyone's life but my own, Rich's, and maybe my dog's and neighbors life...

When religion is trying to say that singing at a baseball game is somehow a "danger" to children? That does have a greater impact than just my immedate world, and therefore I will show their idiocy for what it is, and then go back to enjoying my life...

I hope that clears up any confusion you might have as to why I blog about what I do...