Friday, April 28, 2006

A Thought for Those Who Don't Understand the Gay Rights Movement...

"But you really do strike me as stupid even about your own welfare! Some of you say that we have already all the influence we can possibly require, and talk as if we ought to be grateful that we are allowed even to breathe. Pray, who shall judge what we require if not we ourselves? We require simply freedom; we require the lid to be taken off the box in which we have been kept for centuries. You say it’s a very comfortable, cozy, convenient box, with nice glass sides, so that we can see out, and that all that’s wanted is to give another quiet turn to the key. That is very easily answered. Good gentlemen, you have never been in the box, and you haven’t the least idea how it feels!"
--Henry James, The Bostonians


Pete Deichmann said...

Talk about a good quote!

Jason Hughes said...

Thanks! I tend to like ti quite a lot myself!