Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Suffer the Fools...

He must be a thorough fool who can learn nothing from his own folly.
- A.W. Hare and J.C. Hare

Every year--every year--a pair of geese nest outside near the exit to our office building. Every year--every year--the company sends out a memo to:
  • Not feed the geese
  • Use the other exit or you will be attacked after she lays her eggs behind the bush just outside the door
  • Not to throw things at the geese--they are only trying to raise their young in peace and quiet
And every year--every single fucking year--a couple of idiots not only feed, disturb, and harass the geese, but they wonder why they get chased and attacked by the geese when they aren't throwing things at them.

Someone give me hope that there are less fools in the world than my eyes and ears tell me there are.... someone? anyone?

On another note of foolishness, apparently some cracked drywall is being credited for miraculous healings in a church down south...

Sigh. Is it okay to say I weep for the future of this country?

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