Sunday, February 26, 2006

South Dakota, McCain, and Abortion...

Okay, so the conservatives nitwits wanna have a showdown in the Supreme Court? They want to overturn Roe v. Wade? Do they really think they have a snowball's chance in hell? Okay, enough with the overdramatics--here's the reality:

This is the bill that South Dakota has passed:

22-17-5. Unauthorized abortion as felony. Any person who performs, procures or advises an abortion other than authorized by chapter 34-23A is guilty of a Class 6 felony. (This section is repealed pursuant to SL 2005, ch 187, § 5. Section 7 of SL 2005, ch 187, as amended by SL 2005, ch 188, § 1, provides: "Section 7. This Act is effective on the date that the states are recognized by the United States Supreme Court to have the authority to prohibit abortion at all stages of pregnancy.")

Source: SL 1977, ch 189, § 44.

22-17-5.1. (Section effective on the date states are recognized by the United States Supreme Court to have the authority to prohibit abortion at all stages of pregnancy)Procurement of abortion prohibited--Exception to preserve life of pregnant female--Felony. Any person who administers to any pregnant female or who prescribes or procures for any pregnant female any medicine, drug, or substance or uses or employs any instrument or other means with intent thereby to procure an abortion, unless there is appropriate and reasonable medical judgment that performance of an abortion is necessary to preserve the life of the pregnant female, is guilty of a Class 6 felony. (Section 7 of SL 2005, ch 187, as amended by SL 2005, ch 188, § 1, provides: "Section 7. This Act is effective on the date that the states are recognized by the United States Supreme Court to have the authority to prohibit abortion at all stages of pregnancy.")

Source: SL 2005, ch 187, § 6.

So it doesn't matter if she's pregnant due to negligence, rape, incest, incestial rape, emotional or physical abuse, it doesn't matter is she's certifiably insane, in a coma, or what-have-you. If the mother is not in danger of dying, she cannot have an abortion. Not only all of that, but it says right in the text of the law, that this law will go into effect as soon as the Supreme Court says it can. Hello? They are that confident that the SC will rule in their favor that they actually wrote: (Section effective on the date states are recognized by the United States Supreme Court to have the authority to prohibit abortion at all stages of pregnancy). Now, I'm no lawyer, I'll be the first to point that out. It took me quite some time of wandering around South Dakota's website to find these laws. But I digress. I think any balanced fair-minded American, let alone a raging liberal such as myself, finds this a slap in the face of privacy laws, freedom laws, civil rights laws, not to mention once again PRIVACY laws.

And then, Senator McCain was on "This Week with Gerge Stephanopolous," and George asked John (this is a nutshell, not exactly word-for-word but pretty damn close), "If you were governor, would you sign this law into effect?" and McCain said "Umm, err, I haven't read the law... My stance has been for 20 years I'm pro-life except in cases of rape, incest, and the health of the mother." And George said, "This bill goes beyond that and only allows abortion if the mother's life is in danger." Then McCain sputters, "Well, umm, err, ... I don't think... err, my stance has always been pro-life, so I think my record speaks for itself."

So all I have to say is, when even the so-called prro-lifers are running form endorsing your bill, what makes you think you have a snowball's chance in hell? Anybody? I happen to be pro-choice: I thin kKelly put it quite well when she stated: "Every child a wanted child." And until the state can find a way to make every child a wanted child, the state has no right to say who can, should, shouldn't, and can't have a child. Not only is that socialism (communism, facism, whatever), it is just plain wrong. Most polls show that most Americans, while they aren't happy with the fact abortion exists, don't want a complete illegality made of it. They want restrictions without taking the right away. And even neo-conservatives know this... and that's why McCain won't take a stand...

Need we say more?

1 comment:

Greg said...

One day you're going to have to pick a side. Want to be parents are waiting for kids end of story. What I'm talking about, is are you doing what you do for you or for God. Stop crying to your girl buddies about unfairness. Start trying to make things right in your state like a real warrior. Help people. It's not all about you.