Thursday, January 21, 2010


Today was supposed to be the day we started working out again. It was supposed to be the day we got Serious.

Instead we were sidetracked detained slightly distracted by a size issue with the exercise mats. That is to say, they wouldn't fit side by side in front of the television in such a way as for us both to... exercise properly. Which then started an argument a tiff a conversation about how to best rearrange the living room so as to allow for both exercise mats to be placed in front of the television in such a way as to allow both of us to exercise properly. In turn, we embarked on an exploratory search for a tape measure; graph paper; a lesson in geometry; and a lack of motivation, quickly followed by an appetite.

For dinner. Chicken, salad, veggies, that sort of thing. Ladies and gentlemen, let's keep it out of the gutter, shall we?

Of course, that doesn't mean another effort won't be put in tomorrow. After all, having had a long and demoralizing moment with the scale, both before and after dinner tonight, along with a slight turning of the television and the removal of an end table, we are now all set to turn our bodies back into the smooth, taut, golden vessels of manliness they once were...

Mind you, a little bit of photographic motivation doesn't hurt either...

Speaking of... I think it's time for a little...


1 comment:

Kel said...

I don't know. I think you look fine in that pic you posted with your post. Picky, picky...
