Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Bonuses of Life...

Dear reader, I'm ecstatic! Granted, Rich would be the first one to tell you this is all too easy an emotion to elicit from me...

I've recently joined freecycle--you may have heard of it? Communities in local geographic areas join an email list, and whenever someone has something they want to get rid of--they spam everyone on the list! Brilliant! And over the last few weeks, spammed I've been, mostly with offers for baby clothing and such, but being spring time...

Yes, offers for dirt. Honestly, dirt is the first thing I've gotten from freecycle. (Go figure...) Being that freecycle has come with its fair share of vultures, it's rather hard to get anything for free, especially on freecycle. (Again, imagine that...) But be that as it may, one of my philosophies in life has almost always been "If it's free, I'll take two!" So when I was spammed with free dirt, well I simply hijacked my father's relaxing Sunday afternoon (as well as his truck) and before we knew it, we had unloaded a pick-up full of dirt into a rather rocky / sandy / jungly / stumpy / poison ivy area of the yard.

At this point, I was satisfied. Not ecstatic, but satisfied.

And then Monday came. An offer of thirteen bags of dirt in Lansford. After work, I hijacked Rich (and his car) and off we went to the hopping metropolis of Lansford (population 2) and grabbed the dirt. In the rain. In the dark. (Did I mention how thrilled Rich was with my newly found dirt-o-matic sniffer?) We made quick work of dumping this dirt on top of the old dirt and called it an evening.

Today, I go out with a rake to level out some of the dirt, remove some of the rocks, and...

Is that...? I dig a bit, shuffle some stuff...

It is!! Hosta's! A shitload of hostas! A smattering of daffodils, a little bit of snow on the mountain...

But hostas!! Bonus!!!! NOW I was ecstatic... Hosta heaven, freecycled into my yard with the dirt... (Oh, have I mentioned how Richard told me just two weeks ago he didn't understand my love of hosta's? He thinks they look "weedy"...)

I just spent the last few hours re-"weeding" my flower beds....

Simply ecstatic about the bonuses of life...


elj377 said...

I'm with Rich...not a big fan of hostas...because of slugs...hooray for free hostas though!

mom said...

hello jason! more dirt and surprises in that free dirt! i guess you hit pay dirt!! :) :) or you hit the mother load!! :) :) anytime you need your father just call. you can have him for a good half a day or even a whole day if you want. :) well, i hear him coming in the house which means my alone time is over. does anybody have a job for my husband out there in blog land?? :) love and prayers