Friday, March 20, 2009

Worried About Losing That Working Feeling...

It's just a tad bit scary when you go into work and see a real estate sign out front. What's even scarier is when you get lied to about why it's there: "Oh, no, that actually is supposed to be in front of the building next door--they put it on the wrong lawn."

Uh-huh. That's why it's still there four days later...

...and why I can find it on a certain realty web site for commercial businesses...

...showing our building as "For Lease."

What it doesn't say is when the building is available for occupancy... I'm half tempted to call the realtor to see when it would be, just so I have my doomsday date, you know?

Perhaps I don't want to know...

On the more optimistic side, perhaps we're just moving buildings again, yeah? To a new location maybe? A new office?

But I abhor being lied to.... Especially when my livelihood is at stake... Which makes me seriously doubt the validity of my usually optimistic outlook on life at the moment...

I'm sure it's not as dire as my mind is making me think it is...
And why in Sam Hill does spell check demand that "realtor" be capitalized? Last I checked, "garbage man," "plumber," "house wife," and "project supervisor" aren't capitalized on a regular basis--who do realtor's think they are, gods or something?

Tell you what, Merriam Webster--when we start capitalizing everyone's job description and title, then I'll go along with this little charade... Until then, I'm lower casing it, if only because it's one small portion on my world that I can control at the moment...
(Isn't it amazing how obstinate we get when things are happening beyond our control?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's really odd that they would lie about the 'for sale' sign. I mean, seriously!