Friday, January 16, 2009

"Skip's Families' Bodies, Decomposing, in the Summer Heat..."

If you haven't noticed, I've been uploading older (as well as ancient) family photos onto my MySpace. After all, I have hundreds--no, thousands! of photos from the family dating back at least to the mid 1800s. Quite the treasure trove, if you're into staring at pics of people who are long since worm food that are your ancestors...

As I reached for the third box, ready to start placing them into the appropriate manila folders by name in the hanging file rack, I pull out a plastic baggie labeled, in my grandmother's handwriting, "Old Zartman Family Photos."

I dump the baggie onto the coffee table, and the picture above is the first photo I see...

A big hairy dog sitting next to a monkey with the label "May 1956." No names, no locations (although I do believe this is my great-grandmother Zartman's backyard...), no nothing...

You have to wonder about a woman who places such a photo into a baggie and labels it "Old Zartman Family Photos." My grandmother didn't exactly take the "Zartman" name willingly, but...

There's a story here, I can feel it... (That IS a dog, isn't it???)


Anonymous said...

I'll have to take a gander at all of your old photos one day. I think it's really cool that you have all of's like you own history, and that's the coolest thing about history. All the photos!
Anyway, love ya lots. C-ya tonight...

elj377 said...

I love when you go through an old family album and there is a random shot and no one can tell you why it's there or what it is or anything about it. You should write a book based on the picture...

fcsuper said...

Hey, I don't much get onto myspace much anymore, but if you feel the need, hit me up for Friends connection. (in case we aren't linked up yet)

On other topic, I need to start moving my older photos to electronic format. Family has some really old ones I'm going to have to wrestle from their control. :)

Anonymous said...

hello jason! that is a dog and a monkey. pictures are great! it is in the side yard at your great grandmom's and she did take alot of pictures. your great grandmom was a interesting person, but your grandmom is interesting also in a different sort of way. :) i remember we had all kinds of different animals around our place growing up. i remember the monkey a little bit than again we always had monkeys and who knows what else came in and out of our lives. what i really remember of your great grandmoms was the love of life and her hospitality. she had her door open to all all the time. i look up to her and want to be like her. i always am asking God to let me love the way He loves since i know that is what my great grandmom prayed for herself. well, it was great to hang with you and rich this past weekend. we really enjoyed both days we got to be with you both and don't know which day i liked best. :) love and prayers

Anonymous said...

I'm laughing as I read this because I can picture my kids going through the pictures after I'm long gone. Guess I should write an explanation on the back of the chicken lamp photo...