If our last computer hadn't passed on to that great motherboard in the sky, I'd let you see last years' pumpkins, but alas--to everything there is a time and a season...
I carved the werewolf, Rich decided he wanted something a little more spooky, so we went with Icabod Crane as his inspiration (courtesy of some very lovely pumpkin-template web sites).
Happy Halloween everyone!
Very Cool...want to come to MO and do ours...we have 6....I'm not sure how the kiddos will turn out!
LOL! I dunno if I'm up for 6 pumpkins! There are tons of cool templates online, though, most of them simple enough for kids to do--you should try a couple!
I also saw int he grocery store these Mr. Potato-esque things you can get for pumpkins for smaller children. Just poke some random holes in a pumpkin, and insert scary mouths, eyes, and noses as you please!
Have fun with the mess, however. I'm still finding small pumpkin seeds around the living room... :)
Thanks for the tips...I have a 24 pound pumpkin to carve with my class too...I think I went a little bit over board this year...we are definitely going to carve in the kitchen with lots of newspapers!
hey, nice pumpkins. I saw a crap load of pumpkins here in Massachusetts...
They're like the millions that came here in a bus... they're everywhere! Oh and they flavor everything with pumpkin too... (pumpkin cappacinno, pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin cookies) lol
Anyway, love ya!
hello jason! nice pumpkins! i think they really turned out great! i most probably will never have any carved pumpkins since i decorate for the seasons and not for the holiday. you get more bang out of your dollar doing it that way. my pumpkin will last till thanksgiving and than its snowman time! love and prayers
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