Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Spaces In Between...

At 10:30 this morning, myself, and my two friends Scott and Michelle got into line at the Liberty High School in Bethlehem to see the one and only Hillary Clinton. The plan was: doors to open at 11:00; rally beginning at 1:00 pm; speech from Mrs. Clinton at 1:30 pm.

It felt like I was in line at Disney World on a hot summer day waiting for the bestest roller coaster in the world (but without the soda machines every 100 feet for your refreshment, $5.00-a-can rip-off enjoyment). Of course directly in front of us was the most all-out gusto'd Hillary supporters in the entire world--much like being trapped next to a fundamentalist when all you want is to enjoy your day in Las Vegas. Hillary this, Obama that... Even when the VIP persons were escorted through ahead of us, one of that group decided to stop them and tell them how they needed to show their VIP passes as it was very insensitive of them to breeze on by as if they were more important than they were (apparently, no one had ever explained to them what "VIP" meant...) We giggled, getting the evil eye of the gusto Hillary lady. Seriously, though, "insensitive"? Whatever...

We actually didn't get through the security doors until 12:45, and when everyone finally made it into the gymnasium and the "rally" started, Hillary didn't come out to speak until closer to 2:30. I almost left I was so bored. It seemed much less a political rally than a high school pep rally, which kind of pissed me off. Having never been to one of these events before, though, I had thought it would be more... I dunno, more "issues" oriented and less "Hillary Rocks" oriented. Perhaps I expect too much...

It wasn't too bad, even considering everything she said was close to the news excerpts we heard every night on the television. As we left and discussed how universal her health care might prove to be, and why (or why not) we agreed with her stances on NAFTA, tax plans, and such, a man stopped us on the street as we walked by when he shouted, "So did she lie?"

"No, she didn't lie!" Scott said as he kept walking by.

I stopped to address him: "What has she lied about?"

"She's always lying about Obama, and she lies when she says she'll help us out with health care. Now Obama, he's the man who'll get things done, I tell you."

"But what specifically has she lied about?" Scott and Michelle stopped about ten feet up to patiently wait--they know and accept me, bless them.

"She'll never cut taxes! And she voted for war! She's never apologized for that! Now Obama is gonna bring home the troops and save us from passin' this debt onto our kids."

"You still haven't said anything she's lied about. Plus, both she and Obama are going to end the war with very very slight strategic differences," I replied.

"Man, you are blind, she's blinded you with her lies," and he moved on.

I was a little perturbed with this type of blind loyalty to a political nominee--after all, I had just endured it from one side, and now the other side, who seem to have been waiting just outside the gates, were on the attack. Three more times (twice for Obama, once for Nader) we were stopped and challenged in much the same manner with nothing more than sound bites and witticisms.

Is this all that the primaries are now? Is this all they have ever been, and I've just been too disinterested to notice?

I'm still no closer to knowing for sure whom I wish to vote for (although I have strong leanings...), but I do know that none of their supporters is an effective tool. But perhaps this type of loyalty wins over more people than it turns off--who am I to say for sure? Voter turn-out has increased dramatically in this past year, and it's not all due simply to Shrubya's idiocy. Despite who wins, he's out no matter what! (Thank goodness for tiny, belated favors...)

It's like trying to choose between two red apples. The difference between Hillary and Obama are more minuscule than the difference between clams and oysters... Except all their stompers seem much more poisonous than ever... It's much like the blind faith placed in gods and such--not healthy, and very off-putting...

Can I ask you, dear readers, what clinched your choice for president and why? (And please, keep it sane, logical, and well-reasoned...) What is the space, the gulf of difference between them, which allowed you to choose?


fcsuper said...

Years on White House

H. Clinton: 8
B. Obama: 0

Even if she wasn't directly involved, being around that power is, in itself, experience with it.

Anonymous said...

hello jason! i talked with sylvia and she already voted and she was all excited and she asked if i was voting and i said no since when the big one comes around and if hillary makes it i will vote for her. and i am voting for her since i think we need a woman running things instead of a man. :) now that might not be the correct thing now days but i really don't care. she is a woman and i like dealing with women in most cases and like it or not us women have a heart for certain issues more than men do and it might do our country good to have a woman running it with some heart. and she forgave and stayed married to her husband with all the stuff that was going around with him and that says she is a strong woman. it takes a good heart to stay with a man that does that to you in front of the whole country. i give them both credit for staying together since most people now days break up if you sneeze wrong. well, how this for a sane answer?!? :) what is really funny about this i mean all this and i would never of said it all in front most people but i do on this crazy blog stuff. :) snort :) and i remember a day i would of never voted for a woman! the pills are getting to me. :) who cares about the issues i look at the heart or least what i think is the heart. i don't think we will get it all anyway with who ever gets in the white house so go with the heart. :) or do what nanny z. used to do and just pick whoever is the best looking. :) i remember her saying that one time. i remember laughing so hard at that. she meant that to. see and with all that we still got we got. with that thinking if she was alive she would go with obama. love and prayers ps i am not sure who i will vote for if hillary doesn't win since i am not wild about any of the others. obama seems nice enough but he is young and he is a man. and so is the other side. i really want a woman in the white house.

mom said...

hello jason! i talked with sylvia and she already voted and she was all excited and she asked if i was voting and i said no since when the big one comes around and if hillary makes it i will vote for her. and i am voting for her since i think we need a woman running things instead of a man. :) now that might not be the correct thing now days but i really don't care. she is a woman and i like dealing with women in most cases and like it or not us women have a heart for certain issues more than men do and it might do our country good to have a woman running it with some heart. and she forgave and stayed married to her husband with all the stuff that was going around with him and that says she is a strong woman. it takes a good heart to stay with a man that does that to you in front of the whole country. i give them both credit for staying together since most people now days break up if you sneeze wrong. well, how this for a sane answer?!? :) what is really funny about this i mean all this and i would never of said it all in front most people but i do on this crazy blog stuff. :) snort :) and i remember a day i would of never voted for a woman! the pills are getting to me. :) who cares about the issues i look at the heart or least what i think is the heart. i don't think we will get it all anyway with who ever gets in the white house so go with the heart. :) or do what nanny z. used to do and just pick whoever is the best looking. :) i remember her saying that one time. i remember laughing so hard at that. she meant that to. see and with all that we still got we got. with that thinking if she was alive she would go with obama. love and prayers ps i am not sure who i will vote for if hillary doesn't win since i am not wild about any of the others. obama seems nice enough but he is young and he is a man. and so is the other side. i really want a woman in the white house.