Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Bush Might Come Down With Carpal Tunnel...

This falls within the realm of "Things That Make You Go What the Fuck?"

The White House threatened on Wednesday to veto a proposed House bill that would pay for the Iraq war only through July — a limit Defense Secretary Robert Gates said would be disastrous.
Why would that be disastrous? It only means that Bush would have to ask again in two months--and god forbid that he have to ask for money, right? As if accountability and responsibility were foreign concepts and setting up his "legacy" and "victory" were the only things that truly counted in the big picture...

This would be a record THIRD veto for the residential dunce of the White House--one imagines his hand getting cramps from holding the pen from lack of exercise! (I wonder if he's checked his health plan for possible carpal tunnel therapy from all this vetoing his doing of late...) It's funny how, though, that "pork" suddenly became an issue for the poor president when 6 years of Republican pork was a-okay... But that could just be coincidence, right? Right...

The stern White House response reflected the high stakes involved for Bush, who is struggling to beat back congressional skepticism about his Iraq strategy. In recent days, Bush has tried to shore up support by personally reaching out to moderate Republicans and Democrats.
This is personally reaching out? This is how he expects to get things done? I think someone should inform the chimp-in-chief that threatening a veto is not the equivalent of a Friendly's sundae, or even a piece of Bubble-Yum. Not only is he apparently still learning how to run our country, his 6 years of Republican "don't ask, don't tell" spending on the war has made him forget how our country's government works! (Of course, this implies he had a clue to begin with, but I digress...)

Gates, the newest puppet Bush has placed in charge of this fiasco, was reported to have reacted thus:

"In essence, the bill asks me to run the Department of Defense like a skiff, and I'm trying to drive the biggest supertanker in the world," Gates told senators Wednesday. "And we just don't have the agility to be able to manage a two-month appropriation very well."
Let's look at that again: "... we just don't have the agility to be able to manage a two-month appropriation very well..." Well, beat me like a red-headed stepchild! If we can't even have the "agility" to handle money (I'm now picturing a few dollar bills going through boot camp to make them more "agile")--two months worth of money--what makes us think he has the "agility" to govern on a day-to-day basis where our troops should be fighting and positioned? And you're supposed to be in charge of "turning Iraq around"? What is it going to take?

House Democratic leaders are pushing legislation that would provide the military $42.8 billion to keep operations going through July, buy new equipment and train Iraqi and Afghan security forces. Congress would decide shortly before its August recess whether to release an additional $52.8 billion to fund the war through September.
That's $42.8 BILLION DOLLARS. I can't even fathom that kind of money! I have a hard time imagining more than a few hundred at a time, let alone $42.8 BILLION. And we're not sure if that's enough for two months?! This speaks of so many issues, bureaucracy and red-tape just being the tippity-tip-top of this iceberg. And it's already slated that they would reconvene to give an additional $52.8 BILLION DOLLARS depending on how things are progressing (and progression should be viewed tongue-in-cheek... I mean, after three years, you'd think they'd have a clue, wouldn't you?) If I took three years to figure out how to run my household, I would have lost my household long before "agility" became an issue...

So, in I suppose what Bush feels is a spirit of cooperation (when exactly did cooperation come to be defined as "My way or the highway"?), he says he will now veto this spending bill...

"There are restrictions on funding and there are also some of the spending items that were mentioned in the first veto message that are still in the bill," Snow said.
Can someone please get on the White House phone and explain to this dumb asses what COMPROMISE means? Of course there will be SOME of the previous language in this new bill--COMPROMISE means you give and take! And they took SOME things out!!

Mind you, this is the same president that thinks evolution is just a shot in the dark... And, of course, 30 percent of our country thinks Bush is doing a "heck of a job." This is the 30 percent that also believe everything their hate group leaders preach at them on Sundays, and also think evolution is a hot in the dark... Idiocy begets idiocy...

But being idiots, they simply don't get it...

More about "victory in Iraq" this weekend... When Rich is home in the evenings, it's hard to get quality time on the computer... :D


Anonymous said...

Compromise? I'd settle for Bush admitting that the voice in his head isn't God. At least then he'd be heading towards that disparately needed mental treatment he deserves.

Jason Hughes said...

LOL! I'll give that one an Amen!

Thanks for stopping by!