Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Forgiveness... For Some...

Have you heard of the latest rage? It's gripped the YouTube community, creating quite a stir among those who feel that "blasphemy" is the end-all be-all of religious banality: BlasphemyChallenge.com.

To summarize: in short: it challenges anyone who doesn't believe in god to post publicly that they deny the holy spirit, which in Jesus' words was the only sin that couldn't be pardoned by god (I wonder why just him? Is he really the true head of the so-called trinity? Or just the most sensitive?):

HS: Oh! Gasp! God the father, make them stop! They denied me! Me! I think I might cry!
GtF: There, there, now, Holy Spirit. We'll put a stop to that little nastiness. Jesus, yo, kid, say something to the effect of, "Do that again and you'll be hating life!"
Jesus: But, father, isn't that a bit much? I mean, sticks and stones and all that stuff?
HS: What did I ever do to them? Sob, sob...
GtF: Are you-- are you back talking me?! You want to hang on that cross again boy! Cause one more word out of you--
Jesus: No! No, please, not that again! Okay, let me see here...
HS: Where's the Kleenex's! Oh, goodness, my mascara's starting to run... I must look like a wreck!
GtF: There, there, it'll be alright. We'll make those cold-hearted bastards pay. Jesus will take care of it...
Jesus: I just have to bend space and time to reinsert myself soemwhere to make that happen... Hah! I know, I'll include it right about.... there! Okay, Dad, Mom, it's done. Now anyone who hurts your feelings will pay the consequences...
Of course, to an atheist, it's really just an opportunity to piss off fundies. I mean, if you don't subscribe to the Sky God philosophy, you don't feel your "soul" has any chance of living beyond you earthly body anyway, so you really aren't endangering yourself or your soul. There's really no challenge to it. It's something done for shits and giggles.

To a fundie, however, this is The Big One. The end-all be-all of god's patience with his creation, the one thing from which there is no point of return. To them, this is the ultimate taboo, the greatest sin you could possibly even consider (which, really, makes you wonder why homosexual marriage and abortion are the real lightening rods... You'd think they'd first wanna pass a law that states: "Thou shalt not deny the existence of the Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, or any other name which here-to-for shall be construed to have any reference to a ghostlike entity which may or may not be interpreted to be one of the holy trinity.") I mean, if it's really the only thing that can't be forgiven by a supposed being who wants to see that none should perish...

Oh, the ironies...

This "sin of sin" is based on this verse: Mark 3:28-29 [...] all the sins and blasphemies of men will be forgiven them. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven.

So what does it mean to "blaspheme" you ask? Well, Webster puts it this way:
  1. to speak of or address with irreverence
Yep, that pretty much sums it up: most of you fundies think I'm going to hell. One not need to peruse deep here to find a little bit of that going on. But really, it isn't really much of a threat if one puts no belief in that prescription to begin with, am I right? It's almost like saying to you, "If you don't believe that pigs can fly, you will go to hell!" Hmm, well, let's see: I've never seen a pig fly; I haven't had any kind of logic or reasoning or epiphanies to suggest that they might fly; casual observation of pigs will show throughout years of co-habitation with man through the centuries they never have flown; and unless evolution takes a drastic turn (which is always possible, though not probably in this instance), they won't be flying for the next thousand or so years. So I'm going to hell if I don't believe pigs do currently and have always flown...

See what I mean? Sigh... some of you aren't going to get this, but that's not my problem...

One little line near the bottom of the article really made me laugh out loud, though:

God could not be reached for comment.
Typical... Apparently he's too busy talking to Jerry Falwell about how best to re-enact what Jesus would do in assassinating Hugo Chavez...

Till next time...

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