Monday, November 13, 2006

I Feel Like I'm Babysitting, and I'm Not Getting Paid...

Can anybody reference the movie from which today's post title comes from?
So, yes, I got a promotion, but good god, you'd think that the floor of the building just opened up and swallowed and sort of decency and common sense in the building! If one more person comes up to tell me how worried they are about how much things are changing... AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!! Yeah, change is worrisome. But get the hell over it! Emily and Erin are more than capable of running the freakin' show--I trained them for fuck's sake! Have things ever fallen apart when I wasn't there? (HINT: No.) In fact, when I've been on vacation or what-have-you, I've heard nothing but praise for how they've run the department--so what the hell?
This weekend, my nephew Lil' B turns one--as in, 1--so Rich's brother & wife are having a little party for the cute little bugger. It's just so hard to believe how fast these little rugrats grow up! This year alone:
  1. Samuel Nelson turned 9
  2. Olivia Joy turned 5
  3. Thomas Henry Allen will be turning 5
  4. Devin Nelson will be turning 3
  5. Ceili June turned 2
  6. Brenton Michael is turning 1
  7. and last but not least, Nathaniel Lewis was born...
I've recently made a list to remember all their exact birthdays, but now it seems I can't find that anywhere... Getting old sucks...
It turns out Rudy Giuliani may be taking a shot at presidential nomination in 2008. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I mean, the guy did do wonders for New York City, and not just in the 9/11 sense. He's a decent man who is both honorable and trustworthy. Granted, we'll have to see where he stands on the issues (I might look up his New York mayoral record to see where he's stood on things like abortion, gun control, taxes, things of that nature), but all of this is still speculatory. He's simply set up an exploratory committee to see how they think he might fare if he did run. It also matters greater who is VP may be, who the Dem's run (assuming he stays a Republican), who their pick for VP is and so on and so forth. But interesting, nonetheless. I do fear it could make any Hilary bids more unlikely, and everyone knows I'm all about Hilary, but I'll digress on that for now seeing as how she has yet to even take the committee step for 2008. Perhaps she won't run (which would also be fine as she's doing some great work in the legislature anyhow..), but if and when she does, we'll also have to take a gander on how centrist she really will be, who her VP might be, and, of course, the issues. :D

How likely do you guys think you would vote for Giuliani if he ran? Why do you like or dislike him? Who would you like to see run in 2008 for president?


Anonymous said...

Giulini, as far as I know, might be up your alley, ja. He's for same sex civil unions, abortion rights, stem cell research and gun restriction. Almost makes you wonder why he's a republican....
Anyone's better than Bush. There's too many possible candidate's names floating out there to narrow it down for me.
Love ya

Anonymous said...

The Goonies

Kel said...

You're forgetting that when you were on vacation in the past, I was there and the department ran smoothly. Maybe that's where all the mayhem is coming from. I tell ya, without me, the place will fall apart!

Okay, probably not. Humor me. At least it won't be as much fun!

Anonymous said...

I have to do some investigating, because I know Giuliani isn't all good. I know there were some issues with him when he was mayor of New York , but after 9/11 people sort of forgot about them. I was only 17 when 9/11 happened and wasn't really in to politics at that time, but I'll ask around.

DaBich said...

George Clooney for Prez!!!!!